Saturday, December 11, 2010

Ice Cream by Alex

One day, me and my friends, Jake and Brant, decided it was really hot. In fact, we each brought out an ice cube and it melted in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, seconds. It was crazy!! We decided to have a war. Not a water war, it was an ice cream war. It would be legendary. The first ice cream war. This will be awesome but there was one problem - how do we get the ice cream for the war? We had no idea. Back to the drawing board. We were so board, we had not a thing to do. One is to figure out how to raise enough money to buy 111,111,111,111 gallons of ice cream. It's impossible to buy that much ice creamin one day. We all wish we were all rich so we could bye enough to have a war with ice cream. What person would have enough money to buy that much ice cream. I mean, how would we raise enough money to get that much ice cream now. Plan 10,002 was somebody do a lemonade stand. It would cost 50 cents and one person do a car wash and one person does a candy stand. It would cost 1 cent but we had no customers. We had not a thing to do. We don't have water guns, water balloons, and ice cream. It is so hot! We were dying. Jake was melting and in a puddle. What can we do? All of a sudden, it started to rain monkeys. It was crazy. Oh did I mention that the monkeys were stuffed animals? And they were all different sizes. Big, small, medium, huge, ginormous, and colossal. It was scary, creepy and weird at the same time.

Dodge Ball

At dodge ball, you can't hit people in the face. If you do, you need to go to a side out. If you get hit, you take a knee and if you hit someone else, they take a knee. If you check the ball, the person that threw the ball takes a knee. Then, after a couple minutes, we start a new game. Then we line up quietly. Then we go back to class. After three minutes, we go to music, then computers, then PE, then music, then it goes on and on.

The Weirdest Dream Ever by Nathan

My dream was about my sister's hamster was as strong as a wrestler. It knocked down her door then it went into the bathroom and got a brush and started to whack us with the brush. It was chasing us until I woke up. Then, I fell back asleep and I continued the dream. Then, me and my sister ran across the street and the hamster had sharp teeth. Then it ran into a sharp thing.

I Love School! by Molly

I love school because it is enjoyable and it's fun! One thing I love about school is I have many friends. I also love all the subjects we get to learn like math, science, reading, etc. I also like my teacher and all the other teachers. I also like homework because it can get me out of having to do my chores. And I also like everything else because I LOVE SCHOOL!

Coins I Have by Carter

I have a coin and a penny from 1920. I have a quarter from 1889. I have a Russian 2 million mark. I have a New York penny from 1776. I have a New Zealand fifty cent pience from 1989. I have one dinner from Bahrain. I have a fifty dinner from Iraq. I have a fifty cent bill from the Bahamas from 2001. I have a fifty dollar bill from Indonesia from 1964.

The Trip to Yellowstone

Today I'm going to yellowstone. I'm going to drive there. It takes 4 hours. Wow! I have never been to Yellowstone. It's my first time. My mom said we're almost there. I can't wait until we get there! Yay, we're here, we're here! Finally, first we are going to Bear World. Bear World is so cool. There are so many animals here. First, you see the bears, then wolves, then deer. Then, you come to this little animal thing like it has deer and goats and chickens and potbelly pigs. YOu can pet all those animals. The deer kind of run away from you the goats eat your hair. The potbelly pigs will pop when you touch them. It is so funny. I like Yellowstone. Guess what? People could feed baby bears with bottles. Now we're going to eat then sleep. We had pancakes for dinner. Now we're going to sleep. Now we're all awake. We ate cereal this morning. Today we're getting toys to remember we came here. I got a snake that is so heavy and I got a candy bar and a lollipop. Yummy! We had the best time in Yellowstone. I hope we can come again next year.


What if there was a gatorade that will never be empty, you could buy one and you will never have to buy one again. It would last a lifetime. If anybody invents one, I get it, ok?

The School Bus by Aliyah

Yesterday, I was getting ready for school but it turned out to be 11:30. Ahhh! I missed the bus. I ran upstairs and got my mom but she was in the shower. I ended up chasing the bus but luckily he stopped for me and I got in. Two minutes later, I wished I was off the bus because that wasn't my bus. That was a field trip bus and we were going to a fabric store and that's when I said I had to throw up and of course, he let me off, but that was a joke. I started running but I ended up in the middle of nowhere. Luckily, now and for real, I'm in a good place in the real bus going to school.

My Yo-Yo by Nathan

I got a new yo-yo on Sunday but I could not do any tricks with it. So the next day I could do Walk the Dog, World Goes Round and Round, and Baby Cradle with my yo-yo. I would throw my yo-yo down super hard to get it to spin with the string and it would go up, down, up, down. Then, I had so much fun with the yo-yo for the rest of the time. I was so happy I got a yo-yo on Sunday.

4th Grade by Christian

I like school because you can take a hot shower in the morning. That reminds me of the first time I went to 4th grade. Here, I will tell you about it.

One night, it was the last night of the summer. I was so nervous I went to bed at 8:45. When I woke up, I was so tired for some reason. I took a shower and got dressed in the bathroom. I tarted to breakfast. I made my lunch and then it was time to go to school. I said, "I do not want to go to school," but she made me. When I got to the school, it was big. There were a lot of kids that were riding bikes to school. I lined up for class. The first friend that I met was Damian. Then, I met Landon. Then, the teacher came out of the class and said, "Good morning, class. Come on in."
I came in and sat down at my desk. She was taking about A and B track. So I asked her. She said A track leaves early and B track leaves later. It was time for lunch. I went to luncha nd came back. Then we did some math and A track was leaving early because it was Monday. Then, we did Daily Reading and after that we did silent reading and I read for the rest of the day and after, we were leaving to go home and we stacked chairs and I left and said, "I am out of school!"

Sunday, October 3, 2010


One day, my mom woke me up and said I needed to get ready for my soccer game. So I got up and got my stuff on. Then I got some cereal, but not too much.

My mom pulled back my hair. We got into the car and she started to drive. We would talk and listen to music. When we got there I jumped out of the car and walked to the field.

There were tons of people there. Where were we supposed to go? We saw Deana, they didn't know where to go either. Deana's dad said that he thinks it's over there so we went over there and it was!

We warmed up and the coach told us our positions. He put me in as a midfield. The game started. I was running fast but I got a side ache. It hurt but he wouldn't take me out!

It was half time. I drank some water and I felt much better. My mom splashed water on my face. It was nice and cool.

Half time was over. The other team was winning but we kept doing our best. Ahhhh, they tripped me three times and pushed me and my team!

The game was over. They won. Our coach said that it's ok, we did our best. We got our treats and went home. Everyone did good. The End.

Night Flyer

Chapter One
Deep in the deadliest woods you could hear the Night Flyer, the deadliest dragon you can imagine. This dragon has peace signs all over it. Since the trees have peace signs on them, you never know where it's creeping. It might even be sleeping if you ever come upon it. If you do, you'll wish you were dead.
"Dead or alive," said Briget's grandpa as they sat on the porch. "It's time for me to get home, your grandma will be waiting for me.
"Bye grandpa. I'll see you tomorrow."

Chapter Two
The dragon was finishing up it's dinner. After dinner, the Night Flyer flew over to the pond for a swim. She was all alone.

Chapter Three
Briget just suddenly woke up. Her pet bird scared her.
"Thank you, Clicky."
Right when she got out of the shower, her little brother yelled, "Boo!"
"Grow up, Matt."
"Don't call me that," said her really annoying little brother. "Mom just wanted me to tell you that grandpa is coming over today."
"Yes," said Briget.
"And mom said we're riding our bikes today," said Matt.
"Well, I guess we should get going," said Briget.
"Honey, you have to eat your breakfast," said their mom.
"But I can't find it so I guess you ate."
"Yep, and it was so good," said Briget.
"Well, bye mom," they both said at the same time.
"And remember, your grandpa is picking you up."

Chapter Four
"We made it," said Matt.
They had just made it to school.
"It wasn't that hard," said Briget.
"Yeah, it was," said Matt. "Go to class."
They had both said it at the same time. Briget thought she was going to be late for class but she wasn't. Her teacher was talking. Her name was Miss You. I know, it's the strangest name you ever hear. Oh and by the way, does she love football! I mean, she is crazy about it. Well anyway, let's get back to the story.

Chapter Five
"Pull out your packets," said Miss You.
"We're doing math a little early because we are going on a field trip," said the teacher next door.
Brookey was my only friend. She worked with me for the newspaper. She took the pictures for the newspaper. I think she started not to like me or maybe it's just me. Besides, we went to school together and were old, old, well, pretty old friends. I was walking down the hall to get my brother. Our grandpa was checking us out. We were sleeping over at his house.

Chapter Six
I had to walk past the office. Grandpa saw me so we walked there together. Matt's class was doing yoga. I mean his teacher is weirder than mine.
"Are you ready to go?"
So I helped Matt get ready while grandpa talked to Matt's teacher. It seemed like she knew him.

Chapter Seven
Grandpa was telling us more of the story. She touched the water again then she fell asleep. She awoke. Her kids were playing together.

The Night Before Halloween

Yesterday, while a girl named Moniek was walking down the street with her friends, George, Greg, Sally and Flanny, they saw an empty house with nobody inside. The door was opened so they walked right in and saw something jump in front of them and then disappeared. Then, Sally started screaming and fell in a giant hole that lead to a creep basement. There were also pictures on the floor. She was creeped out and didn't know what to do. Suddenly, she saw stairs.
"Ahhhhhh!" she screamed.
Luckily, it was just her friends. The first thing they said when they got down there was, "Wow!" and the next thing they was was, "Ahhhhhh!" because a ghost appeared right in front of their faces.
When the ghost appeared he said, "Give me money$!
"What will happen if we don't?" said Sally.
"You will be sent to the King of all ghosts."
Sally thought for a minute that this must be a joke. So she said, "NO! I'm not going to give you any money."
"Then let me take you to the king," said the ghost.
"Ok," said Sally very weirdly and went in this weird room.
"But I don't see the king," said Sally.
"Oh, let me go get him."
Suddenly, the King of Ghosts showed up in her seat.
"Now I'm a little worried," said Sally.
"Who dares to be in my room?"
"Oh, I didn't mean to be," said Sally.
Then all her friends came in.
"I just wanted to see what was happening," said George.
"Get out!"
"Yes, sir," said Sally's friends.
"I need someone to be king and queen."
"I will be the queen," said Sally.
"Thank you," he said.
Then George barged in and said, "I'll be the king!"
Then they all lived happily ever after.

My Best Friend

My best friend is Makenna and Aliyah. They are really fun to be around. They have always been my friends. Everyday we play at recess.


One day there wa$ a $cary hobo living on the $treet$ with barely any money. That day, he wa$ in luck. Bill Gate$ a$ked him if he wanted a billion dollar$. He $creamed NOOOOO! Bill thought he wa$ crazy, and drove away. But he wa$n't crazy, he wa$ $mart becau$e he $pent all hi$ money on a tracker. He thought it would come in handy. He followed Gate$ to hi$ company. It wa$ right next to hi$ hou$e $o he walked in. He wa$ amazed. He $aw a whole bunch of computer$. Then he walked in thi$ room full of money. The hobo took a bunch and counted it. It was$ $1,000,000,026.76. Gate$ didn't have much money left. The hobo wa$ rich now. Now he'$ getting way way better looking. He got married and he'$ nice. THE END

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Pet Dragon

So I was at school. Oh how rude of me not to tell you my name. Hi, my name is Burt Blue.
And I'm in class and Mrs. Green said, "Ok, who returned the reading book?"
So I raised my hand and she said, "No, you didn't."
And I said, "Yes, I did."
"No, you didn't"
So I go look for it but I don't see it. I turn around and I see it floating in mid-air so I go chase it but it is fast! It goes through a magic portal. I was so close too. I went through the magic portal as well. And it takes us all the way to a different land. And there's dinosaurs and dragons. It is so cool but I know that I have to catch that book. I jump on a dragon and I almost got the book a few times. But it goes into a cave so we do too but I lose it. It was behind a rock and flies back out of the cave so we do, too. And me and this dragon, cause I was riding him, me and him became b.f.f.s. It was cool. So this book is right in front of me and the dragon. So I jump on it but Tim is going into a lot of water. So I just jump back on Tim and you'll never believe this - the book misses the water. But it hits a tree so I told Tim. We go to land in this tree and when we land, it's not there. It's in a cave and we don't know this, so we just stay in the tree. But we see it exit the cave and Tim is hauling, he's moving so fast that I had a hard time breathing. And then the book just goes in water! And I thought that if the book got wet, I would have to buy a whole new one. But we find it not wet so I am pretty happy! And I am haulin' again on Tim. This dragon is so fast. I find something in his ear and it is a gas mask. Don't ask me why it is in there. So I get it and it totally works, I am so so so happy I can breath! And then the book goes off a cliff. I am so disappointed that it did that. We are so close to that book that we fall off the cliff but we catch ourselves and lose the book. I am dead. My teacher is going to kill me. I don't know it but Tim knows where the book is. So I just hold on to the branch I am holding. It was so scary and it turned out the book was in the water! It was so cool! Rock on! We had to go swimming! We were so cool and that book, we got it and it took me and Tim back to school. So when I returned no one was there. Then it hit me when I left, it was almost time to leave. So I just took Tim home with me. I was so glad to have a pet dragon aka Tim. He's so much fun to play with. We have a barn so I just keep him in that. But my parents probably won't find out because they're on a one year cruise. I'm glad I didn't go with them. So everyday I take Tim for a walk. Oh woopsy, did I say walk? I meant fly walk. I don't mean to brag but having Tim is a blast. He and I went back to get Tim's wife Mrs. White and their three eggs!!! And they built a nest in the barn. It was huge!!! There's supposed to be a big house in it. But we're waiting on a few parts like a pool, a car (a Honda civic).

The Little Ant Part Two

Once there was an ant named Little Ant. He had a mom, a dad and two brothers. One day after saving the city above him, he finally had some peace and quiet. While he was drinking his hot chocolate, he heard something at the other end of the ant hole. It was his two brothers Chubby and Mr. Smarty Pants. They were racing to get to the table to see who could get their breakfast first. But there was a problem now. Little Ant got one chair and there was only one more chair left. Was that really a big problem? Besides there were two more brothers and one more chair. Oh no, look out Little Ant! Splat! Little Ant got crushed by Chubby. Slowly Little Ant got himself off the floor. But once little Ant got up, he noticed something. His antennas were broken, his arms were bent and he had a little bit of hot chocolate on his head. Little Ant heard something. It sounded like a pig trying to eat. It was Chubby licking hot cocoa off Little Ant's head.
"Stop it, Chubby!" Little Ant said. "Call the hospital."
So Chubby picked up the giant phone and called the hospital. But that was another problem and you'll see why. When the ambulance got to the ant hole, the ambulance truck was huge! The two ant brothers looked up at the truck. A big man stepped out of the ambulance. The guy looked around and saw nothing, just an ant hill. So he stepped back in the ambulance and drove back to the hospital.
"Oh great," said Little Ant. "Now I'm going to stay broken forever!"
"What's going on," said a familiar voice.
"Uh oh, it's mom! Hide," said Little Ant.
"What are you doing?" said their mom when she found them.
"Uh, nothing," said the two brothers.
"Okay then," said their mom. "Come inside."
"I can't," Little Ant said.
"Why not?" said their mom.
"Because I broke my six arms and one of my antennas!"
"Oh no," said their mom. "What happened?"
"Chubby crushed me with his arm," said Little Ant.
"I'll go get some mint leaves, glue and cleaner spray!" shouted Chubby.
"Okay, but be careful," said his mom.
"Okay," shouted Chubby. "I'll be fine."
Five minutes later, he came back running with a burrito and a huge man chasing after Chubby yelling, "My burrito! My burrito! My burrito!"
"Chubby what did you do? Everybody get in the ant hill quick!" said their mom. They all ran into the ant hill but Chubby stayed behind because he was holding a heavy burrito.
"Chubby drop the burrito!"
Chubby stopped.
"NO! I am taking my burrito everywhere I go until I have no burrito left!"
"Chubby now!" shouted the stern mother.
Chubby grabbed half of the burrito and ran for the ant hill. He dropped the burrito down the hole and dropped himself down the hole before the giant man's foot smashed him.
"Look what I brought," said Chubby as he took out everything they needed to help fix Little Ant.
"Good job, Chubby!" said all one thousand family members that lived in the same ant hill as he. "Now we can fix our smallest ant, Little Ant. YEAH!"
So their mom got all the ingredients and fixed everything - his broken antenna and all six of his bent legs. Now all things are back to normal at the ant hole. Mr. Smarty Pants is still thinking he's smart, Chubby is still stealing burritos from the kitchen and Little Ant is saving the world with his heat vision eyes. Wait! One thing is different, an Exterminator! Uh oh, that is a different story.


Football Game

The first play we did was a 99 power. Then, the second play was a 99 power. I got hurt. I got so mad. Then, it was defense. I tackled the running back on Lehi. He cried. It was our ball and we got a touchdown! We kicked it. Then, we got the ball back. The first play, we ran another touchdown. The score was 23 to 0. We were winning. We were glad because our coach said if we win, he'd get us a treat. We won. Then, we had a practice game against third graders. They came off the field. They said they played 8th graders. The third graders said they won so I said, ok. Then we played another game and won. We played 5th graders. We won again. The score was 7 to 0. We were glad our team did such a good job.

The End

The Food Shower

One morning, I woke up and then instead of snow, I saw ice cream. All sorts of flavors like chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, twist and grape. It had snowed so much ice cream that school was out, yay! So I went outside and had breakfast, lunch and dinner. The next morning it was raining chocolate pudding. It was crazy. Ice cream one day, chocolate pudding the next. What is next, pizza? Well, what do you know, the next day the whole town was covered with pizza. Every kind of food that was on the ground was all mized up, so everyday the food got higher and higher, soon you couldn't get out of your house without your house going boom boom pow Somebody's house went boom boom pow but good thing that it was all a dream. Wait a minute, is that pizza? No.
The End

All About ME!

Hi, I am Molly and I am 9 years old. I was born in Ogden, Utah. I love anything but mushrooms, peppers, squash and zucchini. I play the violin and piano. I love school and I love lots of Disney and other movies. I also like Wii games and I absolutely LOVE to read. I love my family. I have two sisters and my mom is expecting a baby boy!! My dad's name is Ryan, my mom's name is Karin and my sister's names are Emily and Meg. And that is all abut me!!

When We Went to Pennsylvania for Christmas

One day, we decided to go to PA for Christmas for 8 days. I thought it would be cool because we will get to see all our cousins and uncles and aunts, too. They will be so happy when we go down. We were going to go in 3 days so we started packing our bags and presents. I made fancy egg made of paper and I made the biggest one for my grandma but when the 3 days was over we got to airport but it took us 3 hours to get to PA. We couldn't wait any longer so we looked around to find a pizza place or a McDonalds. We found a pizza place so we bought half cheese and half pepperoni. I ate cheese so in one hour it was time to get on the plane. We went shopping for a little. Then we came back in 10 min and in 40 min it was time to go. We were so excited to go to PA for Christmas so we got our spots on the plane and I got a window seat. I was looking at the people putting the suit cases on. When the pilot said we were going to take off we put on our seat belts and we went up. When we went up, our ears hurt. It felt like I was death. It took forever to get to PA. Everyone slept except for me. I wasn't tired. The lunch ladies came and I woke up my dad to see if I could get a snack and a drink so he said yes. We got french toast and apple juice so I ate my food and we were about to land. I hurried and ate my food and through it away and put my seatbelt on. We were landing in PA and in one day was Christmas. We were so excited so we drove 2 miles to our grandma's house. When we got there, we visited with everyone. It was so fun. Then we went back to grandma's house and ate then went to sleep because it was nighttime. The next day, it was snowing because it was Christmas and in the afternoon, we got everyone at grandma's house for presents. I was the first to open my presents. It was cloth. I didn't like cloth because there's noting you can play with so when everyone opened their presents, we went to the best restaurant ever. It was so good. The next day, we went ice skating because our grandma has a pond in her backyard and the next day we started packing our bags and I gave out my eggs. Everybody liked them so the next day we went home. We said goodbye and we had to drive to the airport. It was sad to leave by we will see them next time.
On Saturday morning, I did the coolest thing ever! So I was on the kick-off team. My teammate kicked the ball and I ran as fast as I could and I got the ball! It was so amazing, my coach even came and patted me on the head!
I did a lot of things this summer. I went to Lagoon with m y sister. I also went to Raging Waters with my family. I went to Disneyland and California in June and I got to eat at a fancy restaurant in Disneyland called Club 33. I went with my sister and my mom to Mesquite and we went to Las Vegas to Shark Reef Aquarium in Mandalay Bay.

I had a really fun birthday party in June and invited the whole neighborhood. We had pizza and cake and ice cream. One of my friends at 13 pieces of pizza and got sick. We had water balloon fights and everyone got really wet.

My grandpa has a boat and we got to go boating a lot, too. I learned to kneeboard without the strap. I liked it. Once we went with my sister Aussie's in-laws from Australia because they were here visiting. They talk different than us and they are fun.

I had sleepovers with my cousins at my grandma's house and once at my aunts house. It was scary because it was really raining and there was loud thunder. Me and my cousin hid under the covers all night!

At the end of the summer I finally got to go on a trip with my dad. My mom and my sister came, too. We went to Palm Springs and SeaWorld. We saw Shamu and we saw a dolphin show and we went to Journey to Atlantis. It was my favorite ride there. We also went to the pool everyday. I like swim. I got to order food from the pool. I t was great.

I had a fun summer and I can't wait until next summer when my brother comes home from his mission because we will probably go to Australia to see my sister. I want to go to Yellowstone, too.

The Bounce House

The bounce house is a fun place to be. It is the energetic place where you can have fun and be excited about playing. This is the story of the time a bounce house was like no other. It is the only one that has its thing the best one yet. So sit back and enjoy this story.

Once upon a time there was a bounce house. His name was Bob. Bob went to bounce school one day and it was the first day of school. He was so excited for today, he could not wait. Then he went to school and everybody laughed at him. And he cried and cried. He was really sad. The next day he went to school and everybody did not laugh and he was so happy! He made a new friend. They played together. And they lived happily ever after!

The End

Today...The Rainy Day

Today was dumping buckets of rain and I was chilled to the bone! My fabulous fourth grade class is out in the trailers. I like being in the trailers when it rains for the sounds beating on our roof and the smell of earth right after rain. We have been running in and out of the school all today. Fourth grade felt wild today! Quick lightning and roaring thunder pounded all day. I was sort of scared at first but then I got used to it. At lunch recess, my best friend Tori and I were playing in the rain with some of our other classmates. It was so fun. It was even hailing out there! That was the best day ever!


I wish I could live at Lagoon. It would be so fun! I would go on the ride Colossus The Fire Dragon, Rocket, Jet Star Two, Bat, Spider and al the other rides. That is what I want to do for at least a week. I would buy food there, too.
"I'm going to run away today because I found a 100 dollar bill." I will leave a note that I ran away. This is what it will say:
Dear mom and dad, I ran away. I'll be back in a week so don't call the cops. Love, Tommy

This Summer

I got to go and do a lot of fun things this summer. That is one of the things that I love about summertime. We get to go out as a family and do things together that we all can enjoy. First, I went to Disneyland. I went on rides. It was fun. I loved all of the rides so much. Second, I went to Lagoon. I went on scary rides and on one of the rides I got wet. Third, I went to the beach. I had so much fun playing in the waves. It was a great summer in my life.

Things That Happen At School

Today at school, we were talking about sneezes. Not the kind that comes out of your nose. But the kind that means writing about you or anything else. What I'm writing about is my story about school. School sometimes isn't fun and sometimes it is. My favorite subject is reading and writing. I don't like math. The reason I don't like math is because I usually always get messed up with big numbers. Now back to sneezes.
The topic of this sneeze is called Things That Happen At School. You probably already guessed that because this is all about school and things we do. The homework is hard and easy at the same time. The book that I'm reading at home is called Deltora Shadowlands The Isle of Illusion. It's actually a good book. At first, when I saw it, it looked boring. But when I started it, it was good. That book is for my book report. I'm also reading a book at school called The Secrets of Droon. I didn't like mystery, but now I do. I'm also reading that for my book report. Since I'm reading those books, that means I have a lot of reading to do, then I might not have time to do more writing like I'm doing right now!
Anyway, my book reports are due November and if I don't have it turned in by then, I'm going to get a bad grade and I don't want a bad grade. I don't want one because if I get one, my mom and dad will probably be mad.
If I get one, It'll be the first bad grade I've ever gotten in my life. That's all I got in my mind for this sneeze.

Storiez TM


Don't shoot me please.
I'm not going to shoot. I want your money...
Well, I won't give you it.
Alright stop it, this suit, it's really getting on my nerves.
It's so itchy.
But it's so black!
Yeah but uncomfortable.
Do I care if you're uncomfortable?
I do! I QUIT!
Alright, it doesn't matter. Ok it does matter.


Alright guys, yes Timmy?
Can I go to the bathroom?
Alright, Geez.
Alright, as I was saying...we're going to have boring math!
Yeah! (Not really).
Yeah, I hate math too,'ll help you get a good job. And a good job which means money. Which means...alright don't have your anger issues here.
I can't help it.
I don't care, and please take your pills.
Pills? NOOOO!
Kick him out of here. Bring me a new one...and you never saw what happened. Next so....HA! I hate my job. You're still here? CHEESE! (Punches camera). Alright, that took care of him (5 hours later...) Alright guys, today is the big day.
Today we're robbing the bank!
Oh no! He woke up! Get the guards.
You can't do this!
Oh yes I can!!
I won't let you! (Punches guards).
Not to be mean but you really have to get new guards.
Well...I suppose so (kicks him in the face).
Um...(whispers in ear) you're the bad guy.
Oh Yeah. You want to have dinner with me?
Alright! See you at 8:00.
Alright. Oh my gosh 8:30! NOOOO!
(At dinner). WHERE WERE YOU?
I was at...
Don't give me excuses.
I was going to...
I HATE YOU! (Sad face)
No man, just kidding.
Oh, you got me good.
You want to eat?
Oh sure!
Ok, oh you've seen the game?...
Then the weirdest thing happened. He turned into a monster. Raawr!
Ahh! Help! (Guns shooting).
Raawrrr!!! I just asked you about the gameeee!


I'm a bear!
Not you're not.
I'm a bear!
No you're NOT!
I'm a BEAR!!! RAaWR!


Oh my gosh, it's 3:00 in the morning.


The left wing has been destroyed!
The End!

Not really. Heh.

The Trip to Disneyland

Once, I went to Disneyland. I was so excited. The best part was my best friend Haley was going too. we saw each other at the pool. Then, we saw my other friend. My family knew she was coming, but I didn't! I was mad but at least my friends were there too. First, we went on a roller coaster. Then, we ate dinner. After that, we went to bed. The next day, we went to the store. I got Mini Mouse. I took Mini Mouse everywhere. We had a great time in Disneyland. After, I went to the candy store. I got a lollipop. Yummy! I had my lollipop for a long time. But I feel bad for my dog. He had to stay in the garage all alone. My cat got to stay inside because she knows where the litter box is. But I am having so much fun. I have my hotel. Me and my sisters run up and down the halls. Today, I'm going home. One of my friends is staying longer. We are riding the plane back to the airport. I hate the planes. It makes me sick but good thing there's throw up bags!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Disneyland by Jessyca

I can't wait to go to Disneyland again. it's so much fun, you get to ride on the rides, see Disney Characters, get your face painted and lots of other things, too! Oh and when we were going to get my glasses and my dad's contacts, it was like $400 and while he was paying for both of them he said, "There goes our Disneyland money," but I'm guessing he's just joking. We have a lot of pennies, dimes, nickels, and quarters. I bet we can go sometime though. Disneyland is so much fun. My favorite rides are Tower of Terror, The Mickey Mouse roller coaster, the haunted house, Pirates of the Caribbean, and so much more! I can't name them all because there are just too many! I wonder when we are going bake? Hmmm. Oh and our hotel we stayed at was so so so so nice and awesome! And you could eat breakfast in your room (you would have to sneak it) or you could eat breakfast in their "restaurant" and it would already be ready for you, all you have to do is just get a plate or a bowl and get your food. Cool, huh?

My Family by Lanie

My parents are funny. My sisters are cute. My brother is annoying. But cute, too. I love my family. So so so much. I love each member so much. I love my family. So much. I can not think of anything else to write so I am going to stop right aboooooooooout, nooooooooooooo! Do not touch nooooooooooooow! I said do not touch that switch but you did it anyway. I will not take this! Ugh! I am the jumping shrimp, do not touch that ahhhhhhh! I am going to be a big sister again. My 4th brother or my 3rd sister but I can not tell you anymore. I will bite your finger off.

Fruit and Rainbows by Kylie

Cherries, cherries are so red.
I would eat them in my bed.
Oranges, oranges are so orange.
So you see they're juicy.
Lemons, lemons are so yellow.
They're so so sour.
Grapes, grapes are so green and sweet.
Blueberries, blueberries are so blue and juicy too.
Plums, plums are so purple, juicy, sweet, and soft too.
They're all a really big rainbow you can see.
I love rainbows yes sirree.
Rainbows low and rainbow high,
rainbows up in the sky.
Rainbows have six colors you can see.
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple too.
Red is for cherries and orange is for oranges.
Yellow is for lemons and green is for grapes.
Blue is for blueberries and purple is for plums.
What can you think of that is red, orange, yellow, green, glue and purple?
Do you like fruit and rainbows too?

Brothers by Addy

Ok, my brothers are getting more annoying by the minute! I try to sleep in but I can't. Because my brothers are either giggling or fighting. They can't even be quiet for one second. I'm tired. I want to go to bed. Really, I bet you don't have annoying, painful brothers. I'm tired of them. Can't I just get a break for one day?

Fear Factor Time by Mathew

Today is Fear Factor. And I'm excited and happy. Here are my fears - ghosts, staying alone, gilo monsters, dinosaurs and really hard winds. But I'm also scared of earthquakes, tornados and hurricanes but the most scary thing is that the world would end. But you got to remember that might happen in a 1,000 years.

What I'm Thinking About by Savana

Well as you can see I am thinking about nothing! My head hurts and my nose is running, running badly. I don't like school (for right now). I think I got a fever. I feel very hot right now. My head feels light-headed every time I stand up. I really can't think. So all that you just read I jotted down and zoomed right ahead. Well, that's all I have to say America. Good-night!

The Water Bottle by Katie

Almost gone,
Now full,
Drink all of it
Now refill.

Let's see ooooh blow air in the bottle,
Squirt, squirt
Now all wet,
Towel please,

Now let's see oooh refill
Plop, plop, plop, plop
Yum the water in the bottle tastes good.
So can you get some more water.

So get me water for my birthday and Christmas.
I love water bottle.
If you bang on them it makes a tinging sound.
Ting, ting, ting.

And that's water bottle.

I Hate MEATBALLS! by Harrison

For some reason, I HATE meatballs.
They're really gross.
Meatballs are really just not right for me.
One night, I almost puked, just because of meatballs.
If I had a wish, it would be no meatballs in the world!

Atomically gross
Another gross food

Do You Like Riding Bikes? by Kylie

I love riding my bike in the summer. I ride it a lot. But when I go to school, I sometimes ride my bike. Not always though. I don't have training wheels, do you? My two sisters do but my brother does not ride a bike at all because he is too young and too small. I love my bike. Her name is Misstey. She is pink and purple and on the wheels it has cute little designs like a sun and a moon that are pink and purple. Do you have a bike? Do you love it like a sister or a brother? I like bikes, do you?

Mice Life by Steven

I was a mouse in a dream. It was cool. There was a machine that was like a washer but you were in it! One day, I got washed when I was hit by a bus and a menace snake.

Ice Cream by Jessyca

I love ice cream. It's so good! I love the chocolate, rainbow sherbet, vanilla, strawberry, mint chocolate and a lot more kinds! When it's summer, I eat a lot of cold, yummy ice cream on a hot, sunny, summer day. Just three more months, hurry up three months. You probably think I'm weird but no, I just love ice cream. Oh and talking about ice cream makes me think about muy birthday. It's exactly right on summer. It's June 21st. Cool, huh? I hope this year I get all the ice cream I want. But I still want to have a party, but with lots of ice cream, yum! Gosh, whenever I'm talking or writing about food I really want the food I'm talking about and then does your stomach start growling at you? Yeah, that happens to me all the time, even now and I'm still talking. When I was about four, I got my tonsils out and I to have a lot of yummy ice cream and pudding I wanted. Yeah, I miss those days. Dang it, I wish there was a time machine that can go back in the past.

Never Take Drugs by Maddie

Never take drugs. They make you disgusting, and are dangerous to take. Never take drugs, alcohol or smoke anything! Never take drugs or they will ruin your life. Never take drugs or they will ruin other poeple's lives because they might get aggressive and lose friends. So never take drugs or you will never see the light of day again. Just kidding! But it will ruin your life forever, unless you stop. It is hard to stop because once you've started, they tell you to keep going. So I'm telling you NEVER TAKE DRUGS!

Jumps by Carson

My friend Dave and I built a half pipe jump in the ditch. It's cool! Dave and I are going to build it better tomorrow. My friend Mathew can play today so we are going to play on it. We can use scooters and bikes and pretty much anything with wheels. It's going to be fun. My friends and I build jumps every year. We build big ones and small ones. They're awesome!
We are going to the bike park. The jumps are awesome. I could build a jump that is two feet tall like in two hours. When I'm older, I hope I'm a professional jump rider. When I'm older, I'm going to buy a professional bike, then I'm going to go off jumps my whole life so I can become famous. I hope my dream comes true.

Have You Heard of Leadership? by Savana

Have you heard of leadership? I hope all my class answers that. Leadership is when you show other people to do good and make a good choice. Let me tell you a story that happened today. me and my friend (Lanie, Charise) were playing a game on the black top and some kids in our class were asking us to help them. We thought they were going to get us into big trouble if we helped them so we didn't. When we got into class, teacher started making a list like she does when there is something dangerous involved. I'm glad we didn't or we would be in big trouble. So does that answer any of your questions? If you have any that I didn't answer, please send a note with your kid to school and I will be happy to answer them.

This Gives Me a Headache by Ciara

I'm wondering why you're wondering what I'm wondering? Even know what I'm wondering is none of your beeswax! But what I'm wondering is why you're wondering what I'm wondering and if you have a headache from me saying wondering a lot so that's what I'm wondering America!
I hope you have a headache!!!!

The Death by Wyland

Once upon a time I was walking home and I heard a scream. The scream came from right in front of me in a house. So I ran to the door and broke it down. "AHHHAA!" I screamed. Someone pulled me in the house. "Shhhh!" said someone that I do know. "Is she the one in your dream?"
"Yes! Yes she is!"

Assemblies by Kyson

School is fun because of the assemblies. One day there was an assemble called Fear Factor. The team who did the most fears got to throw pies at the other team. This other day there was an assembly, the Variety Show. This is when all the teachers get to sing. Fear Factor is my favorite one so far. There is an assembly at the end of the year so I don't want to get another Stop and Think.

I Love Cats by Hannah

I love cats so much. I have two cats. Their names are Dojo and Cosmo. They love to play fight and fight over who gets to eat first. Dojo is seven years old and is very long and large. I got him when I was four. He likes it when you open a can of tuna or chicken. I got Cosmo for Christmas in 2009. He is orange with white stripes and Dojo is black with a little bit of white. Even though Dojo likes my dad best. I love it when Cosmo comes and cuddles you when sitting on the couch. Well that's it for now! See you later!

If I Were a Greek God by Mathew

I would be Poseidon because he is so awesome because he can control water and he can talk to fish. He cannot get wet when he is in water. But I would like to be Dionysus because he's the god of wine. So he can make ice cream milkshakes. But Zeus is the coolest cause he can control electricity. That is so cool and I was wondering if he can turn on lights.

What I Did Today At Recess by Jordan

Today at recess, we were playing a wizard game. It was so fun! Steven was a Hungarian Dragon. He is my best friend now. Tanner was a cool wizard. If we got hurt in the game, he would heal us. Mackenzie was like a robot when we told her what to do. Ahhhh recess!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Tree Protectors by Addy

Today we were Tree Protectors and we were protecting this tree from these boys. Then, it started to get violent. Let me tell the story...

Once there were six Tree Protectors and their names were Holly, Bailey, Olivia, Ciara, Jessy, Kylie and Addy. One day, they came across a tree that had no water so they helped it. Then, three boys came and were torturing the tree. So the Tree Protectors were guarding it. And that's where it got violent. The tree boys got more boys and they started kicking and hitting and pushing and we got in trouble.


Monday, March 29, 2010

Things I Love by Katie

1. I love to rollerblade.
2. I love to swim.
3. I love my mom and dad.
4. I love my skates.
5. I love my family.
6. I love my fish (but he died).
7. I love salmon.
8. I love the book Green Eggs and Ham.
9. I love school.
10. I love me.
11. I love to write in my diary.
12. I have never broke a bone in my life.
13. I always help people when they're hurt.
14. I am very honest about things.
15. I love Mrs. Moschetti.
16. I love my friends.
17. I do my homework with Kylie.
18. I have annoying sisters.
19. I don't have any brothers.
20. I never hurt people.


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

All About Me by Lolly

Hi! My name is Lolly. I have a lot of things to share with you in this story.
Number 1. I was born by the size of a dollar!
Number 2. I had to have caffeine (from the soda) in order to stay alive.
Number 3. I don't have any brothers. I only have sisters.
Number 4. I have 6 people in my family, including me.
Number 5. I am in 4th grade right now and my teacher is awesome! She makes me laugh all the time!
Number 6. I know everybody in my class. Everybody.
Number 7. Me and my best friend have been in the same class for 4 classes in a row! Amazing!
Number 8. I had a fire in my house so we had to move and also whe I moved into my new house we had a flood in our basement so we had to drain all the water out and fix our basement up.
Number 9. I have the best class ever! Plus my teacher. She is very pretty.
Number 10. I know everybody's name in my class. Amazing, right!
Number 11. Four people in my class are new! Their names are Olivia, Isaac, Hannah and Lanie.
Number 12. My favorite color is blue.
Number 13. My favorite food is Ramen Noodles.
Number 14. My teacher is very creative.
Number 15. I have such good friends! They are very nice. They don't do anything rude, or hurtful, they are awesome!
Number 16. I love flowers. They are so beautiful!
Number 17. That is all about me!
The End!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My Super Teddy Bear by Isaac

Yesterday I was playing with my very small favorite teddy bear Teddy. I set him down to get a drink I was in the mood for punch that day. So I got myself a glass of punch. But when I came back he wasn't were I set him. I looked and looked but I couldn't find him anywhere. But my sister came in and told me that she put him in my bed. I was so happy that she told me he was there. I'm just glad my teddy bear isn't alive.

Mrs. Moschetti by Olivia

Mrs. Moschetti is the coolest teacher ever. She does a lot of fun things with us. I love her. I like how she does stuff. She is, like the coolest teacher around. I love you Mrs. Moschetti!

Darth Mouse by Morgan

"Avada Kadubra!" yelled Darth Mouse as he started to run away from Steven the Dark Lord. His friend, Luke Potter, was holding one of the two power books. He was defending the book from the evil fizatricx Master Shen. Beside him, Oliven was holding onto the 2nd book of Power.

To be continued....

Chasing the Ball!!!! by Vanessa Lillian Rose

I love chasing the ball! it's a game that my friend and I made up and now she and I and our other friend play together. Here's what you do, you got to the field and see if anybody's playing soccer (which they are unless it has tons of snow on the ground). And we chase the Golden Ball and try to kick it. If we get the chance to kick it, we kick i as hard as we can, which-ever-which-way we feel like it to go. And the entire time we yell: BALL!!!!!!! A lot of people think it's annoying. But we like it, and that's all that matter.

Something I Did Today by Lanie

I made a paper sculpture today. It was awesome! I did it with my group and then by me. All by me. I don't know what I am saying, I am a robot. I want to say that again! I am a robot! That rocked! I am a Rock and Roll Robot. Yippee! I am a Yipee Robot. Yeah me! I am a Yeah Me Robot! Okay stop. I am an Ok Stop Robot. I will shut you off! I am a Shutting Off Robot! That's it! I am a That's It Robot! BEEP!

Legos by Ciara

I don't like Lego's. They're pretty fun, but they boar me a lot! So they're not fun in my opinion. That reminds me of Legoland. It's pretty boring, well I'm a girl and that's my opinion. I don't like it 'cause all these little kid rides. But there was one that was FUN, it would spin you around a lot and make you really dizzy!!!!! After we left that ride we went to a few other rides, the other rides got really boring so we went to a ride that is a lot like cate and mouse (if you've ever heard of it), it's really fun there's this really BIG hill you go down!!!!! Then there's a lot of small hills, but they're really fun as well. After we went on that ride, about 55,000 times, we went to our hotel room, and went swimming! It was so fun that's where I learned how to dive pretty good. Then we packed up and went home to Utah (sad but good at the same time). That's when we got to see my dad!

My Worst Day Ever But A Little Bit Lucky by Kyle

Today was my worst day ever. My brother tried to open a pack of ham with a knife. I tried to take it away but he got me, I mean stabbed me, right in the arm. I was about to get stitches at the hospital but they said it wasn't that bad. I wasn't really lucky when I got stabbed but I was lucky not get stitches.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Drugs by Tanner

Drugs are dingy. Drugs are dumb. Some drugs are dangerous. Some drugs are medicine. Some bad drugs look like candy. So unless instructed by a doctor don't take drugs!

What I Want to Be by Kyson

I want to be a firefighter when I grow up. A police officer sounds nice If a man said why I want to be that, I'll say because they are awesome. I would like to save lives.

The Day I Got to Fly by Hannah

Have you ever wondered what it's like flying? And I mean real flying not just some wimpy swing going high, I mean flying on a plane all the way to Minnesota. Yes, I've been on a plane before,but have you been on a plane before? No!! Are you kidding me, you have to be kidding me. Well then let me tell you about the time I got to fly in a plane. Ready? It was July 28th, 2009 when my mom told me I was going to fly to Minnesota for a full 2 weeks. Wow! She said I was going to fly out with my grandma and stay at their house. I was so happy. But after 3 days of playing with my grandpa, I felt home sick. I called my mom and dad on August 1st cause that's my dad's birthday and told them that I was home sick, they asked me if I could handle till the end f the 2 weeks I said yes. After that I got to drive their golf cart and go to swimming lessons and play with my cousins it was so much fun but, before I knew it the 2 weeks were over. Too bad! And I got to fly all the way back to Utah! I wasn't home sick anymore. The end!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Run! Monster Nate is Coming by Ash Ketchumall

I don't remember what day it was on...but I had the best day of my life! It all started at my friend Becka's house. We were eating quick to play downstairs but when we were finished our dads said get in the cars you two. So we asked why? They said it was a surprise. So we got in the cars with Nat, Lizzy and Lars. When we got to the surprise we couldn't believe our eyeballs! We were at Kangaroo Zoo! So we had fun getting chased by Nate. On the way home I felt like I was still on the Kangaroo Zoo's slides getting chased by Nate. When we got home I went quickly to sleep dreaming of Kangaroo Zoo.

All About Me by Maddie

My names is Maddie. I am 9 years old. I have 8 people in my family. My sibling's names are Peter, Alexa, Elise, Jimmie and Bekkah. My favorite things to do are play with my friend, watch movies with my friend, and jump on my neighbor's trampoline. My favorite songs are Naturally by Selina Gomez, TickToc by Keshai and Evacuate The Dance Floor. My best friend is Eve. She has 6 people in her family. First, her dad Mathew, next, her mom, Elisabeth, then her sister Elli, then her sister Kaitlin, then her sister Talli. She has me for a best friend and I have her. Her favorite songs are the same as mine. Her favorite things to do are about the same. I forgot to tell you my favorite food is salad with cucumbers, salad dressing, croutons, etc. Sorry to go but that is all about me.

A Little About Me by Vannessa Lillian Rose

I love the word FDASL! (Which stands for fruit dance art and soccer and looming which describes me and I made it up). I am in 4th grade and my teacher is Mrs. Moschetti. I love my teacher. My family consists of Angela, Tyler, (mom and dad) Jerrica, Bailey (me) Kaden and Kyler (this is just part of my little sneeze).

By Carly Burns

Once upon a time there was a tiger that was hungry. He had no food and he looked far away. He found and ate a leaf and loved it. So he ate another leaf. He felt weird. So he ate another leaf. Then he felt even weirder. So he ate another leaf. Then he died.

My Birthday by Carson

Tomorrow is my birthday and I hope I get all the things I want.
At one I went ice skating for a fundraiser to get money for people that have heart problems. I skated all day! It was fun. After that I went home.
I laid in bed all day hoping I would get what I wanted the next day. In the morning I opened my birthday presents. I got a snowboard, more darts for my Nerf gun and I got a remote control car. I played with it all day. It was so fun. I played with it all weekend. My friend, David, got me the small remote control car. I hope I will get another remote control car for my next birthday. David also brought his big one to my house. It was about three feet wide and four feet long. He let me drive it forever. It was awesome! I wished he could bring it tomorrow and the next day. He did! We played with our cars for hours. It was so fun.
We went inside with our cars. His big car can go upstairs. It was wicked. Then we played for the rest of the day inside my house.

Friends Forever

Once in a land far away there lived two girls. They were best friends one girl was named: Isabel and the other girls name was Lily. They were beset friends forever also known as B.F.F.S. I would say they were B.F.F.S. because they did almost everything together like: play, cook and clean. Well It's me again. I love to see shimmering faces when I come back but today right now I'm at school. Some people think school isn't important but I think school is important. It's time for me to go so T.T.F.N. which means Tah Tah For Now. Now I'm with my friend and we're playing of course. I don't know if Isabel's all right because she's been acting not normal. Well I told her I would have to leave soon because I was having dinner early. After a few hours I went home and before I went I said, "See you later" so it was no big deal to leave.

Bubbles by Olivia

I like the shiny glow of bubbles. They're so inviting to pop. Little sometimes and BIG too. They're so round I want them to last forever. POP!

My Dog Is A Protector by Addy

My dog is a protector he is very nice to us. He watches and tries to protect us. He is a awesome dog. He is fun because us piggyback rides. My dog is yellow. I love my dog.

Thoughts by Lolly Dar

I have thoughts in my head. Sometimes they're little thoughts, sometimes they're big thoughts. Some of the thoughts I have are like, did I do my chores today? Or, did I really ride a horse two days ago? Somethings just like those are just, you know. I daydream a lot. One time I thought to myself while I was at school, is my dad home yet? Only because my dad is usually not home from school. Anyway. So you all know that I write things that I think of all the time. I just mean all the time. You know, I love it when you think of something that is awesome. I hate nightmares. They are horrible! One time I had a dream that a monster was chasing me and then it bit my head off! It was so scary! I could not help it so I got out of my bed and I went and laid by my mom and dad. You have bad dreams right? Yeah. I thought so. You know how when you tell someone your bad dream and they're like, "You can change your bad dream into a good dream!" And I am like, "What! No! But, that night I had a bad dream and I changed it into a good dream. The End.

The Colorful Crab by Wyland

3 months ago I went to the beach and I saw a colorful crab. I was so colorful I could touch it but I did not want to. Because it turns you to stone. So many people get turned to stone. If a football hits the crab and you catch the ball turn you to stone. Anything that hits the crab turns you to stone. The sand turns to stone by the crab. If you go in the water you are safe from the crab. If the crab is in with you are still safe. Go in the water for a swim with the crab and find his home. So good luck to you and all the colorful crabs in the world that turns things to stone.

By Savana

One day my sis well my little sis came up to me while I was playing Webkinz and she's said "Hey, move, I want to play." I said, "Freak dude, no! I'm playing. Maybe after I'm playing, you can." She walked off and started crying. I was still playing my game and my CTR ring was hurting me so I took it off. She came up acting like she wasn't doing anything and stole my ring! I got mad because we were going to church and I wanted to wear it. I asked her where she put it and she said, "I don't know." I got really mad!!!! I said you better find it or you're dead!" We went to church then we went to my cousin's house. I wanted a watch and she has the one I wanted. Her dad said "Savana, I bet I could get you one." I have waited about 5 or 4 days. Today Feb. 25. 10 in my lunch box I got a fortune cookie. It reads, you will have a very special surprise this week. When I read that I started jumping up and down. I just knew that it was the watch. I 'm just so glad that I have a cousin who would get me a watch. Do you know what's so funny is that the watch that she has is the watch that she has! I want a watch that has a stop watch, a light, the date, the ones that are waterproof. That one has everything I wanted besides on thing, it isn't water proof. It's just water resistence. Owell at least I get one. I love them!! I'm glad to have a cousin who would get me one. I love them so much. I think that's all I'm thinking about.

My Dream of Pets by Kyson

I have one cat, two hamsters, three dogs, five fish, five hermit crabs and two mice.
The fish pretend to die in the fish tank.
Max is a mouse and is a prey to cats.
Peter is a mouse and died two years ago.
Remy and Hidy are hamsters and died Feb 3rd 2006.
Fred, Lilly, Swerls, BillyBobJoe and Pockadot are hermitcrabs.
Carly, Scooby and Moca are dogs.

The Day I Got Stitches by Hannah

Wednesday at 11:05 am, I was running back from art and I slipped and hit my head on the bottom stair on our trailer stairs. It really hurt and my mom rushed to school and picked me up from school and rushed to the doctor's office. When we got there the nurse put numbing on it and it smelled like lemons. They gave me a lot of shots and I got 7 stitches. It was really painful. My mom took me to get my dad early and we went home and had a good dinner. My mom thought that I had a concussion but I didn't. I still am not feeling well. I am really tired.

My Dog Bentley by Isaac

I got a new dog today. His name is Bentley. He is very small and cute. He loves to play with my other dog Shilo. He loves to be scratched and loves to cuddle. I love Bentley and Bentley loves my family. But Bentley can get kind of annoying because today he didn't stop bugging any one in my family. I think it's because I introduced him to tummy rubs. I just hope he gets sick of tummy rubs.

The Lego Me by Jason Manning

One day, I wanted to become a Lego because I had the worst life ever! My brother and sister were hitting me and that kind of stuff, so that's why I wanted to become a Lego. If I were, I would ride on a boat, drive a car, join the army, play football, battle General Grievous, go to the museum, go swimming, ride in a helicopter, rescue people, ride on a cruise boat, and be an agent. I want to become Lego so, so badly! Then I could get more friends I could play with.

PS3 by Kayson

The PS3 is the coolest thing in the world. For my opinion is that you should play-to-play not play-to-hack. Cause it is RUDE.

I Finished Lightning Thief by Mathew

I just finished reading Lightning Thief and it was awesome, cool, sad, funny and scary. But now I am on book two called The Sea of Monsters and its so funny because the first chapter is call My Best Friend Shops for a Wedding Dress and that's like the funniest I read. The whole series I am going to read. And its called the Lightning Thief, Sea of Monsters, The Titan's Curse, The Battle of the Labyrinth and the Last Olympian which is all of them.

All About My Family by Lanie

I have eight people in my family. My mom, my dad, my three brothers and two sisters. Oh yeah and me. I know nothing about my two younger brothers but I know my brother and sisters are very cute and very very sweet. My mom and dad are awesome.

Why I Hate Spiders by Kylie

I hate spiders so much. I wish they didn't exist. Why do I hate spiders? Because they eat other bugs, they have so many legs, and they are so disgusting. I hate that they eat all kinds of little bugs that's the most disgusting. I also don't like that they eat other spiders. I have lots of spiders in my house. I can't count them. Do you have lots of spiders in your house? Or do you have any at all? The worst one's for me are Black Widows and Tarantulas. Thinking about them is gross to me. I don't know why though, they're just creepy. One day why I went to my neighbors house, she told us how to catch spiders. She said, "If you get one of these traps, the smell attracts the spider. Then it will stick to it and die." Pretty cool huh?

The World's Hardest Game! by Isaiah

The world's hardest game to me is a game called The World's Hardest Game. It is on You have to get a square to a check point using the arrow keys. Me and my sister played it and couldn't even get past level 1! It is the world's hardest game. We tried some other games but none were as hard. The second hardest game was a game called Parking Lot. Me and my sister beat the game.

The Cat Family by Sonny Dnui

I got a cat. People think dogs are better but in the ice age, cats were as big as a polar bear. Dogs were as big as a baby cow. The biggest cat was Cave Lion. Their teeth were 4 inches long. Cats are cuter than dogs. Cats can see three colors - blue, yellow and red. Dogs can see two colors - black and white.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Cameron Land

One of the many ways that we attempted to potty train Cameron was remind him that all his pee-pees and poo-poos wanted to go to Peepee Land and Poopoo Land. They didn't want to sit in his pull-up or rest on the floor in a puddle, they wanted to be traveling down the toilet to their respective "Lands." This became fun for Cam and sometimes when we would flush a fly or a spider down the toilet, he would call "have fun in Fly Land" or "go to Spider Land!" or whatever. He applied this name to whatever happened to be flushed down the toilet. This actually worked and Cam was excited to send his peepee and poops off telling them to "have fun in...." whatever respective land it was, whenever he needed to go.

Last night, Cam was in a hurry to get to the toilet and he missed his footing on the stool and halfway fell in the toilet, one full arm in the water. His shirt got all wet, and as I took it off him, he said,
"Momma, I almost went to Cameron Land!"