Sunday, October 3, 2010

Night Flyer

Chapter One
Deep in the deadliest woods you could hear the Night Flyer, the deadliest dragon you can imagine. This dragon has peace signs all over it. Since the trees have peace signs on them, you never know where it's creeping. It might even be sleeping if you ever come upon it. If you do, you'll wish you were dead.
"Dead or alive," said Briget's grandpa as they sat on the porch. "It's time for me to get home, your grandma will be waiting for me.
"Bye grandpa. I'll see you tomorrow."

Chapter Two
The dragon was finishing up it's dinner. After dinner, the Night Flyer flew over to the pond for a swim. She was all alone.

Chapter Three
Briget just suddenly woke up. Her pet bird scared her.
"Thank you, Clicky."
Right when she got out of the shower, her little brother yelled, "Boo!"
"Grow up, Matt."
"Don't call me that," said her really annoying little brother. "Mom just wanted me to tell you that grandpa is coming over today."
"Yes," said Briget.
"And mom said we're riding our bikes today," said Matt.
"Well, I guess we should get going," said Briget.
"Honey, you have to eat your breakfast," said their mom.
"But I can't find it so I guess you ate."
"Yep, and it was so good," said Briget.
"Well, bye mom," they both said at the same time.
"And remember, your grandpa is picking you up."

Chapter Four
"We made it," said Matt.
They had just made it to school.
"It wasn't that hard," said Briget.
"Yeah, it was," said Matt. "Go to class."
They had both said it at the same time. Briget thought she was going to be late for class but she wasn't. Her teacher was talking. Her name was Miss You. I know, it's the strangest name you ever hear. Oh and by the way, does she love football! I mean, she is crazy about it. Well anyway, let's get back to the story.

Chapter Five
"Pull out your packets," said Miss You.
"We're doing math a little early because we are going on a field trip," said the teacher next door.
Brookey was my only friend. She worked with me for the newspaper. She took the pictures for the newspaper. I think she started not to like me or maybe it's just me. Besides, we went to school together and were old, old, well, pretty old friends. I was walking down the hall to get my brother. Our grandpa was checking us out. We were sleeping over at his house.

Chapter Six
I had to walk past the office. Grandpa saw me so we walked there together. Matt's class was doing yoga. I mean his teacher is weirder than mine.
"Are you ready to go?"
So I helped Matt get ready while grandpa talked to Matt's teacher. It seemed like she knew him.

Chapter Seven
Grandpa was telling us more of the story. She touched the water again then she fell asleep. She awoke. Her kids were playing together.

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