Sunday, November 20, 2011

by: Hayden

One day I was going out trick-or-treating and I saw a dark man and it looked like he had a machete. I was walking toward him but he turned so I decided to follow him but when I turned, I didn't see him. He went behind a house. I didn't see him so I went back to trick-or-treating. I saw him again for one minute then I lost him. Then I thought a little and thought that it could be a mom or a dad. No, wait a second, it could be a robber. I kept on walking and I saw him again but it was just a cat.

The Haunted Hotel by: Aspen

There once was a little boy and his family was going to go on a vacation and they packed. They piled in the car. We left to Los Angeles. We got to the hotel so they got to their room and they heard a boom, boom...louder and louder it got. Suddenly it stopped. Mom said, "Whatever." Ten minutes later they little boy heard it again. He woke up his mom. They went in the hall and they searched what that sound. They went down the stairs. She heard boom, boom, boom, boom from the cafeteria. They went in there. There was nothing but something caught the boy's eye; a floating plate, table, fork, spoon and knife. There was millions and millions of ghosts. I saw glass plated broken on the floor. They went back upstairs and went to bed. The next morning the people asked, "Did you hear that boom, boom last night?"
"Yeah, did you?"
"Yes, let's investigate tonight."
"Do you know where the sound is coming from?
"Yeah, the cafeteria. Last night me and my son saw glass on the floor and tables tipped over."
"Okay and where did you hear the sound coming from?"
"The cafeteria."
"Okay. Let's meet in the cafeteria tonight, okay?"
45 minutes later.
"Hi, go in."
"I need to go turn the light off."
"Wait. Who is in there? Stop."
"Hey you set me up. You saw me downstairs. Your friend scared my son."
So she went back upstairs and went to bed. The next morning they went home.

The Haunted Closet by: Aubrey

Once a ten year old kid, Isabell, could not sleep. While she was awake she saw one of her clothes move. She didn't speak. She did not breathe. She opened her closet door. She heard a shreik! Her clothes grabbed her. She saw a man who was standing right in front of her. Then she saw her attic ladder. She jumped to it. She climbed as fast as she could. She saw the man. Isabell said, "Who are you?"
"I am the dark shadow," he said.
She was trapped in the attic. She had to do something. She knew she could find out who would do this. When she turned around it was her dad. He said he was just trying on his costume.

by: Nanni

There was a ghost who lived in a house. There were two kids; one was a witch and one was a warlock. The witch had a broom and the ghost scared her and she flew off on her broom. The warlock wasn't scared and he turned the ghost into a jack-o-lantern. The warlock picked up the jack-o-lantern and took him back to his mommy ghost.

Wesley? by: Wesley

One day i was in my kitchen eating some Ramen when i heard someone call my name. So i got up and walked over to the where I heard it in the pantry and I saw...Nothing! So i ran as fast as I could up the stairs and my sister, Marli was sitting on the stairs. So i asked her if she called me name and she said, "No," and then said, "Yes." I was so relieved.

by: Josh

There was a rich man and woman. Their names were Allisa and Jonathin. They lived in a fine mansion.
"We are one of the richest people in the United States," says Jonathin.
"Repeat! We are the..." "Oooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhaawwahha!"
"What in the world?" asked Jonathin.
"I have no idea." said back to Jonathin. I'm "POSITIVE!" said Allisa.
"I'm so scared!" said Isabella.
"We're all scared," said Allisa and Jonathin.
All of a sudden, BOOM! CRASH! SMASH! KABOOM!
"It's a big, fat zombie!" All of them said at once.
The big, fat zomie quickly took Isabelle.
"NNNOOOOO!" said Allisa who dropped her drinking glass that had shattered on the floor which got into 10 million pieces.
Isabelle never got heard of again.
The End.

P.S. This is part of the story. You can still hear the scream when Isabelle was taken from the big, fat zombie.
Oh, I forgot.
P.S.S. This is part of the story too. People say this story is real.

The Haunted House

There was a ghost who lived in a house. There were two kids. One was a warlock. The witch had a broom and the ghost scared her and she flew off on her broom. The warlock wasn't scared and he turned the ghost into a jack-o-lantern. The warlock picked up the jack-o-lantern and took him back to his mom, my ghost.

The Halloween Story by: Jenessa

I have the spookiest story ever!
Should I turn the page? Yes do it. Okay, don't be scared by my scary story.
Here we go.
Once upon a time there was a girl named Jessy. No one talked to her because a long time ago she was ghost so one day she was walking and a guy named Bob selling hot dogs and she bought one from Bob. He said, "Enjoy your hot dog," and she was gone. A year later we woke up in a creepy house saying, "help me," to other people. But they weren't people. They're just ghosts and he screamed so loud and Bob woke up. A ghost named Jessy killed him with a hot dog.
"Mmm. Yummy hot dog," said Jessy.

The Ice Cream by: Taylor

Once there was a guy named Mr. Boo. He loved to solve mysteries. Well one night Mr. Boo went to the mall to get ice cream. His favorite kind, of course, chocolate with gummy bears and pink sprinkles. He says it is the best kind. But when he ate it, it tasted like rotten eggs. So Mr. Boo went to tell the guy that works there but he was gone. He was there a minute ago said Mr. Boo. There is something suspicious around here he said.
So he went home and a few minutes later he was home thinking who would put rotten eggs in ice cream, he said. So he got a notepad and pencil and wrote every single person that he knew, even Treina. So very first was Treina. Mr. Boo asked Treina; she said no. Once he got there he saw Treina putting in rotten eggs. He said, "Treina stop!" She didn't stop. So Mr. Boo went to stop her. He did.
The End.

Oh No Helicopters by. Dylan

One dark, eerie night we were getting ready to go to sleep. We heard the wind. It was as if a whip was whipping the side of my house. My grandpa looked out the window and it looked like two airplanes had crashed into each other. Then he noticed it was just six war helicopters. A few of them shined their lights on my house and another had big freaky guns. The last two had guys that were hanging from ropes that looked like snakes. Then my grandpa went outside and the helicopters went away.

The Parties by: Mia

There was a man who lived in a small, old house. The man who lived in the small, old house had died so all his neighbors always went to that old house to have a party. They noticed that the man never really cleaned his house. They said next time they had a party they would all bring a cleaning utensil to clean with and then we will have a party. The next time they went they all brought a cleaning utensil and cleaned. After they were done cleaning, they had a party and stayed really late until 12:30 a.m. They all went home to bed. The next day when they woke up they went and checked their calendar to see what they had to bring to the party that night. They had to bring a jack-o-lantern because it was getting close to Halloween. That night when they went to the party, the ghost of the old man awoke. The ghost of the old man went out the door and locked it from the outside. When the party was over and everyone went to leave, the door was locked and they said, "We must have locked it." So they unlocked it and said it won't open. It must be locked from the outside. They said, "It's probably fine to sleep here for the night. I heard it's supposed to rain tonight. Maybe whatever is jamming it will wash away."
The next morning they at some left overs from the party they had. They were so excited to go check if the door would open because they hated that old place. They heard something go, "Oooooo." They checked all the windows so they said, "Hey this window is unlocked."
They all jumped out the window and ran home.

How Bob Saved the Day by: Noah

Once upon a time, there was Mrs. Joker stealing bombs to blow up the graveyard so of the ghosts can eat human flesh. "And soon the world will be mine. Ha! Ha! Ha!"
Then came Bob.
Mrs. Freeze. "Would you mind to blow up Bob? "
"Yes I would love to, Boss." "He's frozen."
"Nice job. Now this is my chance to blow up the graveyard. Ha! Ha! Ha! Okay, now let's do it! Now before we start do you have any last words?"
"3-2-1, blow up."
"Go stretchy man!"

The Mad Scientist by: Henry

One time there was an old house on Pizza Road. There was a scientist. He lived in a haunted house. He got scared by a skeleton. Then he went to a haunted forest. Then came back alive and he was a ghost. He scared people. A spy came and destroyed the haunted house. The scientist came back and acted like a dog. The spy played tag with the dog and they played football and soccer ball and bite ball.
The End.

I Saw a Ghost by: Kaden

One day I saw a ghost! I was so scared I ran for my life! I ran to my friend's house. He wasn't home. So I ran into the scary woods hoping it won't get me. Then it caught me. I was struggling so hard but I was too late. I was locked up in a small cage. But i popped it open and punched that ghost and ran and I lived happily ever after.

Wacky Spook Alley by: Quinn

One day Quinn and Ansley were walking home from school. But they got lost and came to a castle. They went inside to look for help. A warlock grabbed them and put them in jail. They saw a cauldron with a potion in it. They saw him throw things in the cauldron. Finally he threw some weird liquid in the cauldron. A piece of gravestone. And a ghost that said, "Ooooooooooooh!" So Quinn reached for the key and got both of them out. They made a plan to stop the warlock. But Ansley said, "It's a little dangerous."
All of the sudden they fell in a hole that dropped them at school. But it was empty. When they went around in the classrooms they saw gravestones. So they went outside and looked back but the school was gone! In front of them was a huge maze. They went on a path and fell down a hole that led back to the castle. The warlock saw them and they saw the cauldron boiling! The warlock had almost taken over! But Quinn put something in the cauldron. And Quinn and Ansley ran out of the castle. And it fell and the potion sank in the floor. Then the castle went boom! And the warlock fell on a grave and sank in it. Quinn and Ansley got home safely.
The End.

The Field Trip by: Rylee

Once there were three teenagers. They were going on a field trip. The bus driver got lost and dropped them off at an old abandoned building. The girls did not know where the heck they were so they started walking and they passed a graveyard and freed all the souls. They got scared so they ran and found a house on Haunted Road. They heard all these rumors but they didn't believe so they went in and saw a ghost. It had white hair and a white gown. The girls ran out of the house, found a car, got in and drove away and were safe.

The Graveyard by: Zack

Once upon a time there was a family and they were eating dinner. Every night they would make cookies but one night they didn't have any eggs so he had to go to his grandfather's house. "But Mom, you have to walk past a graveyard." The boy yelled to his mom. So when he was walking passed the graveyard, he saw....he saw....Michael Jackson singing Thriller.
"Thriller....Thriller night."
And the boy laughed. Then the same thing happened again but he didn't have any sugar. So he walked passed the graveyard but Michael Jackson wasn't there so he went into the graveyard and he was dead. He knew the zombies killed him.

The Man by: Beau

Once there was man that ate semi-chickens, but they were not ordinary semi-chickens; they were people. There was a 3-year-old boy named Tom. He decided that he would stop the man for good. But Tom did not know that he would be eaten. Suddenly, the man popped behind Tom, opened his mouth, reached for Tom but it was just a bad dream. The boy woke up.

Halloween by. Brooklyn

One night when the clear night was falling into my dreams and then i heard a noise in the closet. Then i saw something white in my room. Then the white thing was a ghost in my closet. Then everything turned back to normal.

The Dark Haunted House by: McKenzey

There was a dark haunted house and on every Halloween, this haunted house was so creepy. When kids were trick or treating, they would always skip that house. But this Halloween it was scarier than all of the other Halloweens and nobody would even look at it because you would hear footsteps everywhere around that house. A lot of kids were scared and staying with their mom but except these best friends in one group. They were not with their moms. They were trying to scare each other. They were going to scary houses but they were all so scary. Jean really wanted to go to the that haunted house. She said, "Let's play truth or dare." They said yes. So Jean dared Rylee. Jean said, "I dare you to go to that haunted house." Then that will be our last house because I'll be scared too bad. Well, me, Taylor, Blake, Noah, Mia, Kaden, Wesley, McKenzey and Presley still want to trick or treat and go to other houses. Rylee said, "Yes let's go to other houses then that house." So they went to other houses. Finally they were done. Then they got to that house. They were screaming and shaking. They walked up to that creepy door and closed their eyes and knocked on that door. They could hear someone coming. They guy opened the door and they said, "Trick or treat," in a very scary way. They opened their eyes and the guy was a fat, big funny, goofy clown and everybody started to laugh so hard and from now on they had so much fun with that guy and the guy's name was Boo!
The End.

Spider in Graveyard by: Kennedy

One time me and my friend Bella were walking. It was the day before Halloween. So we were walking.
She said, "Let's go to the graveyard." So we did. We went to the graveyard and saw something black and moving. It was big! We heard big noises. Both of us jumped! It was black and hairy.
Bella said, "Let's run." So we ran.
When we got back Bella said, "Can I sleep at your house?" We went to my house.
My mom said, "Let's call your mom and ask." She said yes.
So we ran to my bed. I said, "Let's sleep downstairs." Bella and me said, 'Let's go to the graveyard tomorrow night on Halloween."
We went to sleep. We woke up and said, "Mom, breakfast time.: We had breakfast.
Finally it was time to go.
It was Halloween so we got our costumes and left. We went to the graveyard. We said, "This is going to be fun." "Let's go!"
We started walking.
Then we got there. We were so scared. A giant black thing popped up. It was so scary. It was hairy. We shined our flashlights. It was a giant spider. We jumped on it.
The spider said, "Hey." We jumped!
A talking spider?
We screamed!
Then found out it was just a girl dressed up.

The Grave Yard by: Tyler

One night i was walking my dog Max then I stopped. I saw where I was...the grave yard! Max ran so fast his leash fell out of my hands. Now i was all by myself. Then i heard a voice and it said, "Get off my grave!" I ran but a hand grabbed my leg. I tried not to panic. Then i saw a man in the distance. It couldn't be a grave yard guard; they are not up this late and it looked like it was f... f... floating! Then I saw a goblin coming out of the ground! That made me scream, "AAHHH!" Then they pulled out buckets. I thought there were going to kill me! What if there was poison in the buckets? Then the man in the distance came to me but he was not a man. He was a phantom! And he had a bucket too! Then they reached in their buckets and threw candy at me! Then they took off their costumes and my mom, dad, brother and sister yelled, "Happy Halloween!"

Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Haunted House by Ashley

There was a haunted house that nobody wanted to stay in. Some people say that a guy haunted that house because his wife killed him but she didn't. Another girl killed him on accident. She didn't mean to kill him. Well, the man was already too old and the girl fell on him and he hit his head on the sidewalk and then the girl found out that he was dead! The girl went to her house and took her house phone and then she went back to the old man but the old man was gone. She got really scared. She ran back to her house and in the living room stood the old man eating popcorn!

The Halloween Ghost by Ella

Once upon a time there was a girl named Ella. She liked to look through a telescope at a man.
"Oh, we're moving, so pack!"
"Ok, dad."
The car rode with all its m ight and drove.
"We're here. Go to sleep."
"Ok, dad."
She woke up. She ran.
She ran.
"A trap!"
"I caught you dad! Go to jail!"

Haunted Houses by Anabelle

There is a house on 1313 Elm Street. The street lights light up the dark window. The cold breeze howling in and out of my ears. I shuddered, staring up at the old house I saw a dark figure.
"There," I said to my friend Brett.
"Here," Brett said.
"Yes, here," I replied back.
"The house is haunted by dead spirits who died a terrible death!" Brett concluded.
"Shut up and get inside," I yelled.
Brett muttered something about ghosts.
"Pla! Haunted houses, I hate em'," Brett said.
"Shut up Brett," I said clenching my teeth.
He muttered something I couldn't understand. Then we entered the house. Bats flew past my head. We heard a growl from deeper in the house.
"Did you hear that?" Brett asked.
"What?" I demanded.
"That growl," he said.
"I thought that was your stomach," I told him.
"No, it wasn't," Brett whispered to me.
"It might be the Pumpkin King who eats children."
"Nonsense," I told him.
Then the lights off then on and Brett was gone.
"Brett!" I screamed.
Then I heard a scream.
"Brett," I thought.
I raced downstairs and saw the funniest thing ever. Brett was tickling the Pumpkin King.
"Brett!" I called.
I never realized I was crying in joy to see my wimpy friend tickle the Pumpkin King to death. Brett ran up and hugged me.
"I never should have treated you like that," Brett sobbed.
"It's all right," I said smoothly.
"I missed you Anabelle," Brett still sobbed.
"Well, let's go trick or treat Brett," I said.
"Okay!" Brett said excitedly.
This is how the Pumpkin King was like - red eyes, huge claws, yellow sharp teeth and smells like a sewer with a whole bunch of rats!
And Brett is now scared of Halloween.

Boo! by Cade

The day I decided to play a prank on my brother was one of the funniest days of my life. It all started when my brother went to the bathroom. I decided to dress up as a ghost and scare him as he came out the bathroom. I found a pure white sheet and cut two enemies in it. I put the sheet over my head. I walked toward the bathroom. I could still hear Shad (that's my brother's name) going to the bathroom. Then, I heard the toilet flush. I heard the sink water running. Next, I heard the turning of the bathroom doorknob.
The door opened, and I jumped toward it and shouted, "Boo!"
My brother screamed, "Ahhhh!"
Then I took off the sheet.
"Cade!" shouted Shad.
"Hee hee hee, ha ha ha, you should've seen the look on your face!"
I howled with laughter. More chuckles and laughs followed. That's when Shad started to get angry.
"Come back here, you prankster!" he shouted.
He reached for me. I took off. In the end, he chased me around the house.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

By Beau

Once there was a talking dog that could fly and wore diapers. He went to an island of cats. He didn't like it. So to blend in he dressed up as a cat. It was stuck. So he did nothing and stayed in his cabin made of wood which he made himself. Then he rode on a roller coaster. It was fun for him. He got sick so he went to Dr. Coconut (or a bear). He was stupped, he speaks in Japanese. Then the dog went to his cabin of wood. He caught a cold so he stayed inside. it was lame. He ate pizza, then he was invisible. Then evil took over the island, he took care of it. he flew in his jet to his home in New Mexico. He likes it there.

Fun Friday by Tyler

Today is Fun Friday! Fun Friday is when we do activities. We will be doing the games. We will also be doing a raffle today. I am so excited! We got extra recess today. It was fun. I love school. It is so fun. I love reading too. I read every day.

The Crazy Book Lover by Aubrey

Today at school I had a pretty hairdo. I had popcorn chicken for lunch. My book is lost! I can't find it, I said to myself. When was the last time I saw the book? Yes! Now I remember. I left it at the school. It's my favorite book. I know! I will go back to the school and I will tell my mother that I am going to my friends house. Mom, can I go to my friends house? I said. Yes said mom. But be back at 1:30. Ok I said. I ran to the school and opened the door. I checked my desk. It isn't there! Oh well I said. There is a book sale on Friday I said. When I went to the doors they were locked! I saw a phone. I picked it up. Help! I yelled to it. I heard a noise. I t wasn't police. It was my mother. Did you forget there is a book sale on Friday? said mom. No I said in a quiet voice. Mom said If you don't do that again I will buy you a book.

By Kennedy

Tomorrow we are leaving to Washington. I can't believe it! We are going to have lots of fun. When we leave we will be flower girls. Next month is Halloween. I love school.

By Josh

There once was a caterpillar named Fred who loved to eat leaves. He ate and ate. One time he ate some weird stuff for a caterpillar. One time he ate hot sauce just itself Tabasco, HOT! He tried to find a drink and just then his mouth cavant into flames. So he went into the refrigerator and got some milk that is so much better he said. Later he made some friends Henry, Blake, Zack and Johnny. All of them loved to eat also. After he grew up, he went to boy scouts and got hired for a job. He became a engineer, when he got a little older, he got married. The girls name was Malia. They had 3 kids, their names were Jonathan, Charly and Zeke. Then Fred got older and retired. He retired at age 70 and now everybody was getting old. And so Fred died at age 91 and Malia died at 84. All of their children were sad. And did you know that all of them didn't grow into a butterfly.

By Ashley

Once upon a time there lived a mermaid named Alex. Her father told her that she was going to get married to a guy that she did not like. Her father met another guy that Alex didn't know. It was a human. Alex got scared of him and ran away. The guy tried to find Alex and he did with her friend Flownder. The guy jumped in the water and he swam to her. He turned into a mermaid. He and Alex were happy and they lived happily ever after.

Bully Talk by Quinn

Some bullies can turn into new friends. Some friends can turn into really mean bullies. Like in the book Boy in the Girl's Bathroom. Bullies bully because one to feel powerful, two they're just bored and three they're sad. They might want to bully you because they have been bullied. Bullies can change any time. Try to be nice to bullies and they will try to be nice to you. Sometimes you will want to fight back but it will only make things worse. Here's a saying: "fight fire with fire and you get more fire. Fight fire with ice or water and it goes away." I hope you learned something.

When I Played Football by Kaden

When I played football I was really nervous. It was really cool to play football. My first game I won and I got a touchdown. That game was the best game I ever had in the whole wide world. I practiced really hard to play that game. I was the best one there.

Amazon by Anabelle

The Amazon is a rare rain forest. It has many endangered animals like white tigers, toucans and all types of birds. The Amazon has tons of tall trees that some animals call home like big cats and birds. I want to travel there to be smart enough to work at a zoo. The first time I heard about the endangered animals I wanted to help save wild animals so they don't have to be extinct. If we had no wild cats to eat our sick or weak or old cattle, sheep or any other farm animals that we ate then we would get sick too. That's why we have big cats to eat sick or weak animals to keep us from getting sick. Big cats are heros. Yay for big cats!

By Zack

There's this really cool book called Space. The first page is in 3D. It has posters in it. It was really cool stuff. It talks about the Solar System, space shuttle, astronauts, the astronomy, the galaxy, robots. That's the coolest book I ever had. Its all about space and things.

Chucky the Movie by Noah

It all happened when my dad too my sister to a barbie shop. She came home with a doll. She named him Chucky. One night it came alive. I felt a poke when I was so so scared. I heard in a weird voice say Josh Josh Josh. I opened my eyes. It was nothing. The next morning I was about to throw Chucky away but my sister saw and said NO! Put him down but he is alive. No he is not. She was very mad. Josh Rylee time to go to the store. To be continued...

September 11th by Cade

September 11th 2001, a terrible day. The disaster started when three planes were flying. Little did the people on board know that they pilots were from Iraq and planned to crash into the Twin Towers! What happened next was terrible. As two of the places hit the Twin Towers, a massive explosion went off. The Twin Towers were coming down! Thousands of people died and thousands more when the Twin Towers hit the ground and caused another explosion, this time a massive dust and ash explosion. There was one more plane still high in the sky. To this day people think the plane was aimed for the White House but somehow the people on board found out that the pilot and co-pilot were from Iraq and their plan. The people on board marched up the aisle and took control. Instead of crashing into the White House the plane crashed into a wheat field not far away. Meanwhile, back where the Twin Towers had fallen panic was thick in the air. Drivers were confused because some of the power had gone out. I don't know exactly how many people died but I know a ton of people died. A day later, all that was on television was news about the event that happened the day before. For one or two weeks people hung flags on cars and houses. There was hardly a car or house without a flag. Those terrorists were trying to make us afraid and they did. They also tried to destroy us but they didn't. They only made us stronger.

I Love Sharks by Wesley

I am going to tell you about sharks ok. First of all, I 'm going to tell you my favorite kind of shark. Wait for it, wait for it, the great white shark! It is so cool, like its not even funny. It has these giant teeth and it's mouth is so big. Now I am going to tell you my second favorite kind of shark. It is the bull shark and it also is really cool and it also has giant teeth but the great white has bigger teeth but the bull shark has a bigger bite force. 1,000 pounds of force, while the great white shark has only 950 pounds of force so the great white is less deadlier than the bull shark. Thanks for reading.

By Hayden

Today me and my friend sat next to each other. After we went to Kaleb's mom's classroom but she was not there. Then me and my friend went out to recess. We played wall ball until the 2nd graders had to go in and we went in too.

Delta by Dylan

When I get home I will create a club called Delta. I will go get my friends to sign up. Our club will protect America or mostly Lehi. When I grow up I will be in the Air Force, Marines, Navy, Coast Guard and Army with my friends. I will be in each of them for four years.

By Ethan

Once upon a time there was a war. A war of freedom! And so us American Kitties fought for our country! We fought against those EVIL mice! They also had Jets! But we had Jets too! Ha, ha so we sent the suicide bombers and won the war!

When I Went to Lagoon by Aspen

Once I went to Lagoon and we were going to go on Wicked and it was night and dark so we went on Wicked. My dad heard a clang. I was our car keys, house keys and his phone. My dad is like No! People we do not know them and they offered to drive us home. But my friend drove us home.

By Taylor

I went to Las Vegas and I brought my video camera. We stayed in a hotel and it is called Bally's. We stayed there for one night. Then, we ate at Smish. I ate so much meat that I was about to puke. After swish, we went to the actual Pawn Stars Pawn Shop. We could not go in because the people said they were in line for half an hour but we saw the outside and his car. Then we went to the Horitos. We saw Linsy Candace Roni Logan Chloe Tom and Kelly. Then we went swimming in their backyard. I was first on the slide. I tackled Logan. Then I slept in the middle of SoulSurfer. I also sleept in the middle of Rodrick Rules. We swam three times each day. I went home but when I walked out the door the place was toilet papered in the trees. Then I ate at Dunkin Donuts on the way home. I was delicious. I got a powdered donut and chocolate donut holes. Freeman got the same thing as me. I ate Freeman's powdered donut. It was delicious. We played the phones for a while. Then we stopped at the gas station fora bathroom break. Me and Freeman got treats. I got mambas. Freeman got the same. They were all raspberry. Right now I feel like a lemon. Then I saw the Y and so we were almost there. Me, my dad and Kaycie and Freeman got home. I got my Pokemon and sorted like this leaf fire water fist eye energy and some other stuff my back hurt so bad I needed a massage. Once my dad gave me a foot massage. It felt good.

Pop Goes the Weasel by Presley

Today I went to school and everything was going perfect. An then came lunch time. Ok so I was eating my lunch and after, I bit my lollipop. And crunch! my tooth was loose! So I pushed it out. And when I went to the office and got my tooth holder and went outside. Then, I played soccer and we won! That was the best day ever. Then I got home and I got a good report so I could play so I played and played. And after my friend Mitchell's mom has a snow cone machine. So we ate snow cones and then I went home.

Friday, November 4, 2011

By Rylee

I have a pet cat. Her name is Twilight. She likes to bite people. She runs really fast and she likes to jump like vampires like to fly. My cat is 3 years old. She is a black cat and she has her own stocking. She has lots of scabs. We could take her to the doctor but its too expensive. It's like $300 and that would just be a waste of money. My cat's room is in our laundry room. Soon I'm getting a pet gerbil. It will be so fun. My cat hates birds. She won't attack them. She's like half scared half attack motion because we had a bird in our laundry room. My mom hates birds and so she called my dad and said "I need you to come over here right now." My dad came and then we went to go buy a new dryer tube. It took me and my dad an hour. Remember I said my mom hates birds? Well when we got back the bird was sitting on the T.V. Me and my dad got a broom and my dad opened the sliding glass door and whoosh the bird was gone.

By Mataias

I like school it's fun. My favorite subject in school is Physical Education, for short P.E. It's super fun because you get to exercise and be healthy. You also build up stamina that means you have lots of muscle. P.E. is also because you play fun games like capture the flag, relay, dodgeball, flag football, basketball, kickball, raquetball and all kinds of things you can think of. That's why it's my favorite subject.

The Chair Stealer by Mia

Once upon a time there was a aperson who loved chairs. He or she, well nobody knew if it was a boy or a girl so they just guessed. But he or she liked to steal table chairs. He liked to steal couch coushins or just steal the whole entire couch. People have never ever found out who it is but they say that once they find him, they are going to take him to the police office. They are going to tell the police that he has been doing stuff very bad and that they never want to see him again. The first night he was in jail, he or she remembered that he had some spare chair legs in his or her pocket so he tried to pick the lock with them. Then he realized that the legs were too big. He saw his window made out of bars so with his spare chair legs, he pried them and jumped out the window. Then after that night after he escaped, he started stealing chairs again. He did it all night so in the morning he was exhausted. He hid all the chairs in the forest and took them apart and made a bed out of them and fell right to sleep.

Plane Crashed by Jenessa

On September 11 2001 the twin towers were crashed by planes. It was scary. A lot of people jumped out the top of the twin towers. Today is 9-14-11 and when that happened 10 years ago Mrs. Moschetti was teaching. She was teaching in California and when she were walking a girl wer like did you know that a plane crashed in the twin towers and Mrs. Moschetti didn't believe her so she just walked in on in class. A lot of people were saying that so she Mrs. Moschetti looked on the news and saw so she saw my friend's live there. She called them but they didn't answer so instead she just decided to email her. She said are you okay and pressed send and she thought a school that had kids in sixth grade who didn't get preschool and her students teacher had a lot of family members live there. And Mrs. Moschetti's friend emailed back.

By Henry

Today I played tag. It was so fun. Quinn was it mostly the whole time. Second Matthew was it. Then Mia was it. Then finally I was it. It was fun. We all went to music. After that we will all go home and I will do piano. I might go camping. I hope it will be fun. Then we will go hiking and roast hot dogs and marshmallow. We will have donuts for breakfast.

By Blake

I am getting a gerbil for it to be my friend. I am getting it in September. I will show my friends it. I will let them hold it. I've been always been wanting a gerbil. So I can have a friend. I will take on walks and play with him when I come home from school.

Boring by Mason

Today was normal. Boring math. Boring everything. Now I'm doing boring writing so yep it was so boring. Yep.

When I Tackled a Football Player by Aspen

Today I tackled a football player. His name is Chase and he gave me candy and how I knew him is cause he helped my tumbling teacher. His jersey number was 34 and when I tackled him he gave me a handful of candy and a cheerleader gave me three pieces of candy. It was cool and fun!