Monday, December 5, 2011

The "No" school day by: Josh

"Is it already the morning?" I said when I got up in my crokked bed.
"What day is it?" said Ben.
"The 25th."
"Noooooo the day of the week; is it Saturday?"
(yell it) "NO MONDAY!"
"Mom, you didn't have to yell."
"Well I was just trying to beat your dad always when you always ask that question.....did you just drop your coffee?"
"Yeah, and I'm mad."
"Oh, it's a school day."
"Yes Ben, so eat your breakfast quickly."
"Yes Mother," he munched on his breakfast.
"Soooooooo, Ben do you like school?"
"No Mom," he grunted. So when Ben put on his stinky clothes and brushed his black teeth he went to school. He was walking strange, no one was at school so he was going to open the door. It was locked! So I got home and they were missing my parents! So I went in my room and also crying my eyes out and I heard..."Surprise, it's your birthday son!"
"Whaaat? You tricked me."
So they had a wild party and a cool party.
I woke up, "Ohhhh, it's Tuesday!"